You are Not Alone

As soon as you decide to extend your family and dwell deeper into the world of family planning, you realize it’s not a cake walk. Whenever planning for a child, you simply say you want a healthy child but secretly inside you are wishing for a child of a particular gender. You are not alone and it’s something you should not be ashamed of. There are millions of parents around the world who have a certain image of how their parenthood should look like.

Is it Normal ?

It is completely normal to take charge of how your family will look like. At Plan Your Second Baby, we are here to be with you on this journey as you make the family of your dreams.

Trying different positions, altering your diet when leads to disappointment; it’s a game you don’t want to be a part of.

Tears soon make way for guilt, leaving you thinking and questioning yourself morally and ethically.

There are ways to deal with these mixed emotions, gender disappointment and take a step towards making the right choice.

Accept your negative emotions –

Accept your need to have a child of a particular gender. Process your emotions and filter out what’s not needed. Planning for your second child can be a physical and mental strain. Take a step towards how you feel about planning your second child and talk it out with someone trusted.

Understand your reason for gender preference

From family balancing to gender diseases that might run in your family, well-understand the reason for you wanting to have a child of a particular gender.At Plan Your Second Child, we guide you to each and every step as you create the family of your dreams.

Trust your ability to love

With family planning taking a toll on your mental health and your romance going off the hooks, it is common to lose hope and feel lost. Gather yourself and talk it out with your partner as you begin this new journey together.