Yes, it matters

How to Conceive a Baby (Girl/Boy)

First understand what determines the Sex of Your Child The X and Y-chromosomes determine sex. The egg always carries the X chromosome, while the sperm either contributes an X or Y to the embryo. If a Y-sperm fertilizes the egg, you get XY-a boy. If an X-sperm fertilizes the egg, you get XX-a girl. (How to Conceive a Baby Girl/Boy) From the scientific point of view, the body of a man, due to testosterone, synthesizes two types of chromosomes. They are X and Y. The female body can produce only one chromosome X. Thus, the gender of the child directly depends on the father. If the Y-type of male cells turns out to be more active, a boy will be conceived. If the X-type female chromosomes reaches the ovule with other X-chromosomes, then you will have a baby girl.

How to Conceive a Baby (Girl/Boy)

First understand what Determines the Sex of Your Child The X and Y-chromosomes determine sex. The egg always carries the X chromosome, while the sperm either contributes an X or Y to the embryo. If a Y-sperm fertilizes the egg, you get XY-a boy. If an X-sperm fertilizes the egg, you get XX-a girl. (How to Conceive a Baby Girl/Boy) From the scientific point of view, the body of a man, due to testosterone, synthesizes two types of chromosomes. They are X and Y. The female body can produce only one chromosome X. Thus, the gender of the child directly depends depends on the father. If the Y-type of male cells turns out to be more active, a boy will be conceived. If the X-type female chromosomes reaches the ovule with other X-chromosomes, then you will have a baby girl.

Ovulation Cycle

Female body produces a fertile egg during a specific time frame called the ovulation cycle. With a guide on when to conceive in accordance to the ovulation cycle, we make the process seamless and minus the hassle of counting days. If you’re experiencing ovulation signs, this is the ideal time to have sex to get pregnant. You can detect ovulation using a number of methods, including ovulation predictor kits, basal body temperature charting, or cervical mucus tracking

Sex Frequency

How frequently should you be having sex? This is a question every couple goes through..Some couples go all out and have sex every day, all month. If you’re into that, it’s usually OK. In fact, it’s usually a good idea for your relationship to make sure you’re having sex when you’re not ovulating, so that sex doesn’t simply become a conception machine.

But most people get tired of this schedule, especially if it takes longer than a few months to conceive. Plus, sex every single day may be a problem if your sperm countis low.After looking at your tests and lifestyle we suggest a plan which will work the best for you.

Sex Position

The position doesn’t matter that much for baby-making sex. As long as ejaculation happens as close as possible to the cervix, it’s good enough.Truthfully, you can have sex in any position. Variety may help improve your sex life, and that can help you cope better with the stress of trying to conceive.

Lunar Position

Monitor the moon. Women’s menstrual cycles (and therefore ovulation) can be affected by the monthly push and pull of the moon’s electromagnetic field. For a girl, have sex when the moon is full; for a boy, when there’s a quarter moon.

Alkaline Vs Acidic Levels

PH regulation is important while planning for a baby. Just about everything can change your blood’s pH level-breathing fresh or polluted air, eating certain foods, stress and illness. We are all prepared with a complete guide on how to balance it all at Plan Your Second Baby.

Book your appointment today

Get your answer to all such questions and a personalized curated plan for your pregnancy as you plan your second baby! With screenings and test results, we closely monitor your pre-pregnancy journey to help you start the family of your dreams.

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