Sex Selection - Folk Wisdom

Some people tout these no-tech ways for conceiving a son or daughter. While it may not be backed up by data based science, still it’s worth explaining to your partner, just in case you want to optimize your chances.
We offer no guarantees.!


You are suggested to have sex as close to your ovulation. You can use Ovulation Date Calculator to find out your ovulation date if your menstrual period is regular. Also, you can buy ovulation detection kits to test. For baby boy, you’d better have sex no more than 24 hours before ovulation and no more than 12 hours after that. For girl you shall have sex 2 days before your ovulation.


The rear entry position (also known as the doggy style) and standing up are the best positions to increase the odds of conceiving baby boy because the ways allow for deeper penetration thus increase the chance for the Y sperm penetrating the egg first. In addition, the woman had better have five to ten minutes’ rest after intercourse. Try the missionary position to go for a girl because shallow penetration makes it harder for weaker male sperm to reach the egg.


(If you want a boy, that is) When a woman climaxes, the vagina becomes less acidic and more alkaline, which makes it easier for male sperm to survive. This boosts the alkaline properties of the vagina, which supports the Y sperm to do their work. Plus the contractions that accompany an orgasm help move the male sperm fast into the cervix.


The lunar cycle has an impact on human reproduction, in particular fertility, menstruation, and birth rate. Melatonin levels appear to correlate with the menstrual cycle. Women’s menstrual cycles (and therefore ovulation) can be affected by the monthly push and pull of the moon’s electromagnetic field. From ancient times it’s advised to have sex when the moon is full for a girl; And for a boy, when there’s a quarter moon.


Six weeks before trying for a baby, start a diet rich in potassium (red meats, vegetables, and salt) if you want a boy, or one that’s high in calcium and magnesium (milk, cheese, cereals, beans) if you want a girl. These diets are thought to change a woman’s pH level, which may determine the gender of the baby she conceives.
Avoid smoking and alcohol intake.


It’s said that the older the parents, the more chances to get a girl. The best time for the female to get a baby boy is between 23 and 30. And for the male, the best time is between 30 and 35. If you are plan to get a baby after 30 (for female), and 35 (for male), you would have more chances to get a girl. So, you’d better to give birth to a baby at your golden age to raise the chance of getting a boy.


Scientific research has confirmed that drinking or smoking helps to reduce the number of male sperm counts. In order to get boys, the fathers-to-be need to have hardy sperms. If drinking or smoking, those hardy ones will be reduced greatly. So, there will be few chances for men who drink or smoke seriously to get baby boys. If you are sure to have the plan of having a boy, better quit smoking and the habit of drinking.


A high sperm count would increase the chance to get a boy. So, when you plan to have a baby, you should avoid sex for 3-7 days before ovulation. This can ensure the father’s sperm count high on your ovulation day. Suggest your partner change his underpants preference if he’s into the tighter briefs. Boxer shorts don’t ‘hug’ the testicles close to the body and cause them to overheat. This can reduce the number of sperm that are produced and, in turn, the likelihood of conceiving with a boy.

Sex-Selection Folk Wisdom

Some people thought these no-tech ways for conceiving a son or daughter.
While it may not be backed up by data based science, still it’s worth explaining to your partner, just in case you want to optimize your chances.
We offer no guarantees.!


You are suggested to have sex as close to your ovulation. You can use Ovulation Date Calculator to find out your ovulation date if your menstrual period is regular. Also, you can buy ovulation detection kits to test. For baby boy, you’d better have sex no more than 24 hours before ovulation and no more than 12 hours after that. For girl you shall have sex 2 days before your ovulation.


The rear entry position (also known as the doggy style) and standing up are the best positions to increase the odds of conceiving baby boy because the ways allow for deeper penetration thus increase the chance for the Y sperm penetrating the egg first. In addition, the woman had better have five to ten minutes’ rest after intercourse. Try the missionary position to go for a girl because shallow penetration makes it harder for weaker male sperm to reach the egg.


(If you want a boy, that is) When a woman climaxes, the vagina becomes less acidic and more alkaline, which makes it easier for male sperm to survive. This boosts the alkaline properties of the vagina, which supports the Y sperm to do their work. Plus the contractions that accompany an orgasm help move the male sperm fast into the cervix.


The lunar cycle has an impact on human reproduction, in particular fertility, menstruation, and birth rate. Melatonin levels appear to correlate with the menstrual cycle. Women’s menstrual cycles (and therefore ovulation) can be affected by the monthly push and pull of the moon’s electromagnetic field. From ancient times it’s adviced to have sex when the moon is full for a girl; And for a boy, when there’s a quarter moon.


Six weeks before trying for a baby, start a diet rich in potassium (red meats, vegetables, and salt) if you want a boy, or one that’s high in calcium and magnesium (milk, cheese, cereals, beans) if you want a girl. These diets are thought to change a woman’s pH level, which may determine the gender of the baby she conceives. Avoid smoking and alcohol intake.


It’s said that the older the parents, the more chances to get a girl. The best time for the female to get a baby boy is between 23 and 30. And for the male, the best time is between 30 and 35. If you are plan to get a baby after 30 (for female), and 35 (for male), you would have more chances to get a girl. So, you’d better to give birth to a baby at your golden age to raise the chance of getting a boy.


Scientific research has confirmed that drinking or smoking helps to reduce the number of male sperm counts. In order to get boys, the fathers-to-be need to have hardy sperms. If drinking or smoking, those hardy ones will be reduced greatly. So, there will be few chances for men who drink or smoke seriously to get baby boys. If you are sure to have the plan of having a boy, better quit smoking and the habit of drinking.


A high sperm count would increase the chance to get a boy. So, when you plan to have a baby, you should avoid sex for 3-7 days before ovulation. This can ensure the father’s sperm count high on your ovulation day. Suggest your partner change his underpants preference if he’s into the tighter briefs. Boxer shorts don’t ‘hug’ the testicles close to the body and cause them to overheat. This can reduce the number of sperm that are produced and, in turn, the likelihood of conceiving with a boy.