The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction

If this is something you resonate with, you are at the right place!
Coz this is what, we at
‘Plan your second baby’ truly believe in!
So, when they say
‘Nature has its own course’ or
‘man proposes God disposes’,
do we oppose them?
Surely not!
Of course nature has its own course…
It has immense energies and we at ‘Plan your second baby’ try to work with the nature and not against it!

We intend to channelize the abundant energies of nature towards realisation of our goal. We try and harness the immense possibilities that nature holds for us. How do we go about it?
Well, it’s a combination of age old belief systems and modern day Science!
You must be aware that food is an integral part of our BEING.
The foods we eat affect us more than we realize. With fuel, you can reliably expect the same performance from your car no matter what brand of unleaded you put in your tank. Food is different. Food has a direct impact on our cognitive performance, which is why a poor decision at lunch can derail an entire day.
Here’s a brief rundown of why this happens. Just about everything we eat is converted by our body into glucose, which provides the energy our brains need to stay alert. When we’re running low on glucose, we have a tough time staying focused and our attention drifts. This explains why it’s hard to concentrate on an empty stomach.
So far, so obvious. Now here’s the part we rarely consider: _______________
There are an endless number of differences between men and women and one of those differences is that eating exactly the same diet affects the gut microbiota composition of men and women differently, as a new study has recently showed.

So, how does it work?

You may have heard how emotions and feelings have a great impact on fertility. The Law of attraction is simply sending vibrations (energy) in the universe and the universe reflecting that energy. It is what we attract in our lives by letting go of mental blocks. To put it simply, we get what we think.

Manifest a healthy pregnancy and the gender of your baby. Mindset and emotions have a great effect on fertility and on your chance of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. The law of attraction is how we attract into our life what our subconscious thoughts are, to include our dreams as well as our fears. We help you use this to manifest the pregnancy you have always wanted.

How to practice the Law of attraction?

A few steps to help you make us of the Law of attraction.

Letting go of the negative outcome

Stop thinking about how your pregnancy will end up. Will you deliver a child that you are hoping for or not? Let go of the outcome and focus on yourself.

Living as if you are pregnant

Imagine as if you are already pregnant with your dream child. Behave and do things as you would in your pregnancy. This would remove the negative vibe around your pregnancy and give the universe the correct signals.

Start imagining your life with your baby

What kind of child do you want? A cute baby girl or a cheerful baby boy? Start thinking how he/she would look like. Imagine your life with her/him; how will you be behaving with them around you. Start building a little picture in your head.

What kind of child do you want? A cute baby girl or a cheerful baby boy? Start thinking how he/she would look like. Imagine your life with her/him; how will you be behaving with them around you. Start building a little picture in your head.

Say positive Affirmations

Affirmations can help prepare your mind and thus your body for pregnancy. Affirmations are the things you say to yourself and see life manifesting around those words. A few examples for a healthy pregnancy and pre-gender selection are:

  • I am the best parent for a healthy baby boy/girl.
  • My body knows exactly how to care for my growing baby boy/girl.
  • My baby boy/girl is turning out to be so beautiful.
  • My baby boy/girl will soon take birth in this new world.


Mind your Actions

Start opting out for healthy practices like quitting smoking, switching to a nutritional diet and exercising. Mental and physical preparation goes hand in hand.

Prepare for your life with the baby

How would your life look like after the baby? Do you need more space for a baby nursery? Do you want his/her room in a particular shade? Take little actions towards things you need to change around you.

What not to think or imagine or say?

The Law of attraction doesn’t work if it is half-hearted. Stop saying things like, we are ‘trying’ for a particular gender of a baby or ‘what if’ we give birth to so and so. Be more mindful of your words, actions and thoughts and start living as if your dream baby is already taking shape.

In the end, the Law of Attraction is not some kind of magic. That means it is time to do the things that make you happy – dancing, walking in the garden – whatever you like.Enjoy your life and trust that your baby is on its way.That is how you use the Law of Attraction to get pregnant.Just keep calm and keep feeling good.