About Us

Start your dream family with us

The happiness of creating a family and having a child to love forever is truly magical. Secretly every parent wishes they had a child of a particular gender. The urge grows manifold after a couple starts planning for their second child.

After hunting google for days, months, years for methods to conceive a child of a particular gender, every morning and evening; couples usually end up depressed with a handful of random information and starved love-making.

Though there are medical ways like IVF to pre-determine the sex of your baby, it is expensive and with no guarantees. Other methods often prove harmful and might ruin your chances of having a healthy pregnancy altogether.

This is where WE enter the picture.

With years of research, tried-tested methods, holistic lifestyle consultancy and happy families, at Plan Your Second Baby, we are with you in providing the complete guide and care in how to determine the sex of your child.

Backed by science and years of wisdom in making families complete.

It's not Irrational to think this way...

You don’t have to be ashamed of wanting a child of a particular gender. It is as natural as keeping the sex of baby as surprise. With the rise of millennials couples taking over their lives and planning the future they’d want for themselves; such move is a radical change in how we make families wholesome.

There are many medical and non-medical reasons why couples would want child of a particular sex.


We help couples planning a family have a more mindful experience of their journey with guidance on how to be more present in the moment and take pleasure while deciding for the next phase of their life.


With detox and consultancy on what to give up on, at Plan Your Second Child, we provide complete cleansing rituals for the body to be healthier and fitter in order to make your dream come true.

Why a parent may Hope to Have Boy or a Girl?

Medical reason

  • Male gay couple
  • Female Gay couple

Non-medical reasons

  • Family balancing
  • Personal preference
  • Death of a child

Medical Reasons

Sex-linked genetic diseases: For example, hemophilia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy almost always occur in boys. If a family has a history of these diseases, they may wish to conceive a girl.

  • Male gay couple
  • Female Gay couple

Non-Medical Reasons

Family balancing: This is when a family already has a child (or many children)of one sex, and hopes the next child will be of the opposite sex. Or, if a couple decides to have two children,

and they already have a boy (or girl),they may be more determined that

their second child be the other sex.

Research has found that in families with all boys/girls, couples are more likely to increase their originally planned family size, in hopes that the next one will “finally” be a girl/boy.

Family balancing is usually an immediate family consideration, but it can also be an extended family issue. For example, if a grandparent has only granddaughters, one of their children may hope to give the grandparent a grandson (or vice-versa).

Personal Preference: If a couple plans to have only one child, they may strongly prefer that child be a boy (or a girl).

Death of a child: If a parent loses a child, they may hope to have another child of the same gender. Alternatively, they may want to have a child of the opposite sex, to try to avoid bad memories associated with their loss.